
Often as we journey through life we encounter a phenomenon society calls failure . It may be as simple as a broken plate or as unpleasant as a business closure or a divorce. The results are the same. We are forced to step back, view where we have been and where we wish to go. Some choose to stop the journey, some to slow down and others to rush ahead. These experiences should be seen as lessons , not failures. We control very little in life beyond our own thoughts and must realize we can often only react to actions thrust upon us. It is not the events of the world that impact us, but our reaction to them. It is this period of reflection, during which, our efforts prove most beneficial. It is these moments that allow us to evaluate where next we wish to venture and with what vigor. It is this insight that can provide us with the strength and energy to climb the next hill and enjoy life’s dynamic ride. It is by risking that we gain the full satisfaction of life.

Dale K. Hamilton

Copyright ©1998 Dale K. Hamilton