
Periodically an earth-shaking event comes before us and we fail to recognize it . That happened in 2006. For the first time in America’s history a black man decided to run for president. He was an educated man from America’s Ivy League schools who had served in the Senate. Now he, Barack Obama, stood firm in his conviction to get his party’s backing and run against the norm. The norm which had for forty-three terms elected a white man of some European decent to lead the USA. Now this man made a stand to prove to all Americans that you can in fact live to be what ever you desire. This was an incredible moment for all minorities and my own children. This well-spoken man was nominated by his party to run for president. He won the election and entered the office as a second great depression hit America. There was great political turmoil that he weathered well enough to receive a second term in office. This is a grand accomplishment in a country with the longest running government in mankind’s recorded history. This proud moment in our country’s history should never be forgotten.

Dale K. Hamilton

Copyright ©2011 Dale K. Hamilton