So wait a minute. You feel depressed? Everything seems to be going wrong, or at
least not as expected? Take a look and see if any of this applies.
- No one understands me.
- No one cares about me.
- No one gives me a break.
- No one listens to me.
Now let’s take a minute to check on no one. Thinking of you as no one is a bad
place to start but may be the case. In other words, do you understand you? Do
you care about yourself? Do you wait for opportunities or do you make them? If
you were talking would you listen to what’s being said? This is the starting
- Understand your wants, desires, ambitions and dreams.
- Take care of yourself and care about how you act toward the world around you.
- Make and utilize the opportunities around you. Don’t sit and wait.
- Talk with and not at people. Hear them so that you may be heard.
Finally give of yourself to others. The action of giving is rewarding
regardless of, you receiving or not. Best of all you can give any time you wish
. You don’t have to wait for someone else.
Dale K. Hamilton
Copyright ©1998 Dale K. Hamilton