Dedicated to Sandra
We read about heroes on a regular basis. The soldier that saves his squad from
a terrible fate, or the baby sitter that pulls the children from a burning home.
These acts amaze us. No perhaps we are awed by the miraculous effort of one
person in the face of unimaginable odds. We wonder where do you find people of
this caliber, this strength. I believe the answer is a simple one. These
people can be found many places including next door. What sets these people
apart is their commitment to a task that simply has to be done. Look at the
workers in homes for the elderly. Look at the single parents raising children
alone with reduced resources and no peer support. Look at the people assisting
in drug rehabilitation programs and hospices. These people too are the heroes,
the people with untiring courage. They make situations work that would
otherwise crumble. In many cases these are our friends and peers. They deserve
our admiration and support as much as the publicized heroes. Applaud these
unsung heroes and become one whenever possible.
Dale K. Hamilton
Copyright ©1998 Dale K. Hamilton